Sponsor A Dancer

Alter Ego Tier 1


  • Custom Alter Ego T-Shirt

  • 2 show tickets

  • Mention in our show program and social media pages

Alter Ego Tier 2


  • Custom Alter Ego T-Shirt

  • Custom Alter Ego tumbler water bottle

  • 4 show tickets

  • Mention in our show program, social media pages and website

Sponsor A Dancer is a program that allows an individual to support a dancer in need. Just like any other sport/activity, dance bills can add up pretty quickly and occasionally a dancer may need extra financial assistance. By supporting a dancer, you may be paying a students tuition for the month, covering their costume fees or purchasing new shoes or dancewear. Ultimately, you're helping to keep a child active and supporting their goals and dreams. Any size donation helps and all proceeds goes towards a child in need to continue their dance experience. Visit our studio website and social media pages to learn more about our studio and what we do!